Speaking Clients says..


Thank you for speaking at our annual training for our directors of the Planned Giving Business Unit of the ACS.  I heard many directors state the time with you was so meaningful to them and that they will go home ready to have their best year in production.  You communicated with us in a very special way.  The session you organized for us to share with each other what we recognize in each other that is positive was very meaningful.  Thank you for taking the time to share with us.

James D. Prock, Senior Vice President, American Cancer Society


Dude...thank you for what can only be described as an extraordinary event.  As you can imagine....over the last 6 years at TiE Rockies, I have attended (I'm guessing) hundreds of events.  There have been some memorable ones in there....and yours certainly makes the list.  You packed all kinds of useful knowledge and insights into the event and your exercises successfully demonstrated the principles of trust building and relationship building you were talking about.

     Ray Hutchins, President, Denver Cyber Security


Your interactive presentation was well received and the donation of your book to those who nominated the recognized youth and our Director was a gracious and much appreciated gift.  Your ability to generate enthusiasm was well demonstrated and gave each of us a new perspective of awareness, responsibility and communication.  Thank you for your generous gift of time and knowledge..

Connie Linn, Manager, Family and Children's Services, City of Broomfield


You did an outstanding job of connecting with our managers as someone who has "been there and done that."  They clearly received you as both an expert they could learn from and someone they could identify with as an operating executive.  Your wit and wisdom plus the practical exercises you designed and led, left our team inspired and eager to use what they learned the very next day.  It's been a challenging time for the entire hospitality industry and I'm pleased to report that our managers are performing better than ever. 

     William Burwell, EVP and General Manager, Silvertree Hotel and Resort


Robert's unique ability to motivate not just one individual but a large group, corporation or convention is outstanding.  I have known Robert since he was the President and CEO of ARC International.  I heard him speak at a conference with the Ambassador from Japan and he was not only informative but highly entertaining.  If you need a boost in your personal, professional or corporate business life, Robert is your extraordinary leader.

Judy Fahrenkrog, Broker Associate, Kentwood City Properties


Robert is one of those rare people that always delivers extra insight to every situation. Great wisdom, coupled with flawless programs, guarantees an above expectation experience.

 David Jamison, CEO, Jamison/McKay Advertising


Robert designs and delivers engaging, energizing and ultimately transformative experiences that produce giant steps in personal and professional growth.

Charles Kiefer, Fouinder, CEO, Innovation Associates, Inc.


I attended a seminar hosted by Robert recently and found his insights and coaching on leadership skills and the power of your business and working relationships to be very valuable and applicable. I'd highly recommend Robert to any business looking to improve their leadership team and take their business to the next level.

 Katie Wilson, President, Aspire Internet Design LLC


Robert spoke at our Executive group last month and while he had limited time, he made the most of it. He spoke on leadership, but the core of his message was building trust in relationships. Rather than "lecture", he utilized experiential learning to full effect. It was not: "Here is a topic, talk amongst yourselves". He challenged each one of us to reach out to the person next to us and dig deep. Didn't know someone could be that effective in less than 1 hour. Great talk.

 Jonathan Defez, Director of Sales, Optimum Networking Inc.  


I have known Robert for nearly 25 years both professionally and personally. Robert knows what can sink or lift an idea, a startup, a partnership or a company. He is great working with executives and decision makers in building awareness in their business that leads to better communication, that leads to better efficiencies, that leads to better profits and that makes you and others happy. It sounds simple yet it isn't. Robert can see the roadblocks and advise how they can be fixed. He tells the truth. He is an ally to you or your business and deserves to get to the top of the list when you are considering who you want to work with you.

        Doug Belscher, former Personal Representative of John Denver and

Vice President, Waterstone Inc.


I have known Robert and his work for many years. He is one of the most heart centered presenters and teachers that I have ever met. It is not strange that extraordinary is such an active part of his writings and vocabulary. He has touched a lot of people's lives in an extraordinary ways.

Jim Jonell, Ph.D, Psychologist in private practice


Robert is truly a professional when it comes to business coaching and motivational speaking.  He's a community leader and very trusting individual with strong integrity. Robert is very creative and always has an "up" attitude and has superb advice on business challenges with very practical solutions/recommendations. His public speaking skills are articulate and very educational and informative. He likes to share good things with many people. Not afraid to get personal and allows us all to identify we have had challenges in our lives, yet Robert is and always has been a "can do" person. It is a true privilege to have met Robert, and he has been very influential in my life.

 Richard Humphrey, Owner, Franchise BIZ Experts LLC


Robert White is well versed in the area of executive leadership. He has worked with executives (both group and individually) for many years sharing his insights and expertise. Robert has an expanded view of leadership that includes not only getting results as a leader but also achieving greater personal fulfillment.

Robert Morlot, Managing Director, NE Region, Lee Hecht Harrison


I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and cannot think of anyone in a position of leadership that would not benefit from participating in your program.  The exercises you utilized today were terrific and had a deep and emotional effect in a very short time, quite impressive method of demonstrating the importance of trust!  

 Gary Wofford, President, Own.Franchises.com


You have a gift for the subject matter and I truly enjoyed the experience. 

 Bill Mortimore, President, Strategic Customer Solutions


"Lead from wherever you are!" Sat in on a presentation from speaker Robert White this morning. It was a great way to start the day, and a great way to be refreshed and renewed.

   Laurel Ditson, Director, HR Strategy & Effectiveness, Catholic Health Initiatives


Robert gave an interactive presentation on Leadership at our Executive meeting and it was very well received. He is great speaker, relating to our members with personal stories, allowing them to dig deeper into their professional mindset. As an added benefit, he stayed after and signed his book "Living an Extraordinary Life" for our members. Bravo Robert!

Carrie Manion, Executive Director, Denver Executive Association


A consultant's consultant, trainer's trainer, and coach's coach, Robert White has provided invaluable service to me and my staff. His experience growing international training and consulting organizations, managing over $40,000,000 a year in revenues, and developing world class trainers and consultants has been invaluable in all phases of our training, coaching, and consulting business. Robert's no-nonsense support brings compassion, understanding, and pragmatic problem solving to a fine art. I recommend him with no reservation as your trump card empowerment agent

 Robert "Bob" Wright, PhD, CEO, Wright Leadership Institute


I recently attended one of Robert's leadership workshops and found it both practical and inspirational.  He did a great job of engaging all the participants and everyone walked away with not only with new leadership and communication skills but with new friends, as well. 

Susan Rogers, President, threshold HR


Your keynote clearly touched a lot of people in there, especially the, work on 1 relationship part for me. I am honored that you were able to speak at the "CIO of the Year" event, and I know that our leaders and their teams will put your thought-provoking yet lighthearted wisdom to work in their lives!

 Kimberly Lucas, President, Goldstone Partners


I really enjoyed your keynote, I love how you engaged everyone. I think it was perfect!

Mark Buttice, Chief Information Officer, Mountain States Employers Council

Chair: Society of Information Management