Do You Have the Courage to Risk?
Tuesday December 4, 2012
“What is more mortifying than to feel you’ve missed the plum for want of courage to shake the tree?”
Logan Pearsall Smith
There are many sayings similar to this one – I chose it because I love the language and the picture it paints.
My work with executive coaching clients often reveals a reluctance on their part to “shake the tree,” to move out of comfort zones and venture into new territory. Many of them have become successful by carefully avoiding anything they evaluate as risky. During stable, perhaps less competitive times, this might have been a good strategy. Not today.
How about you? Is there a risk in front of you that you already know is “what’s next” in your journey? Remember, the plum is there for the shaking!
Let us know the risk you know you need to take – a challenging conversation; leaving a job; starting a business; confronting a friend …. and your considerations for not taking the risk and even your commitment to act. Join the conversation.
P. S. Many people have found my book, "Living an Extraordinary Life" to be an ideal holiday gift that contributes to your reputation for being wise and caring ...... and friends, colleagues and family members will really enjoy the gift. Each year at this time I make signed and inscribed copies available with special volume pricing. If you're interested in the details, just e mail me personally by clicking here and mention the book offer.