Extraordinary Minute- 11/13

By: Robert White Sunday November 3, 2013 comments

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs,

even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those

poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they

live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." 

Theodore Roosevelt

Take Risks is one of my Eight Principles for Success and Teddy Roosevelt captures the spirit of risk taking in this quote and in the way he lived his incredible life story.

Being risk averse is hard wired into us.  Thousands of years ago wandering into the night in the presence of saber tooth tigers was unwise.  There are enough modern day equivalents to keep us in a “play it safe” mode in our relationships, our work and in our play.

I have a vivid memory of my first moment standing with my skis peeking over the top of a double black diamond run on Aspen Mountain.  The fear translated to shaking legs and a sweaty brow despite below freezing temperatures.  I also remember the exhilaration of surviving the run and looking back up that mountain with satisfaction and pride.

What’s the next risk you know you need to take?  Let us know by commenting below!

With love and respect,

Extraordinary People




Robert White

About the Author: Robert White

Robert White is a Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer and Executive Mentor who teaches the art and science of mastering executive challenges. He specializes in integrating a heart centered, result-oriented and transformational leadership approach to being effective. His experience includes founding and leading companies doing high-impact experiential learning events with over one million graduates.

Robert’s culture change work has been praised by corporations like JPMorganChase, Progressive Insurance, Duke Energy and The American Cancer Society.

Additionally top business experts and authors Ken Blanchard, Jimmy Calano, Kathy Gardarian, and Robert Wright, plus thousands of training and mentoring clients, have endorsed his professional knowledge and skills.

Robert authored the best-seller “Living an Extraordinary Life” available in English and Mandarin. He is a contributing author to “Being Fuller” a compilation from students of Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller and “One World, One People,” a photo journal of mankind’s journey to oneness.

Today you’ll find him speaking at conferences, hosting masterminds, mentoring today’s emerging business leaders and teaching everything he knows about fostering entrepreneurial success and building an entrepreneurial mindset in established, growth-oriented companies.

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