Extraordinary Minute 12/18
Wednesday December 18, 2013
“To make knowledge productive we will have to learn to see both the forest and the tree. We will have to learn to connect.”
-Peter Drucker
While it is arrogant … I suppose … to edit the esteemed Dr. Drucker, I’d change the word “connect” to “integrate.”
Perhaps like you I’m going through a process of reviewing my past year and planning/goal setting for 2014.
When you review your year, I strongly suggest your attention be on what you accomplished as opposed to goals you may have not met or partially met. Acknowledging yourself creates the positive space for even more joy, satisfaction and success – for living an extraordinary life. (if you’d like to know my 2013 accomplishment list, just hit reply and I’ll send it to you!)
Setting yourself up for a successful 2014 demands that you simultaneously focus on both the macro – our compelling, big-picture vision for our lives – and the micro – specific goals that will move us steadily toward fulfilling that vision.
My experience is that you never go wrong listening to and applying advice from the late Dr. Drucker.
With love and respect,
A Transformational Architect for Executives
Direct: (303) 993-4640 Mobile: (720) 299-5900
Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/isaacmao/62322208