Reviewing 2012 and Planning 2013 for Success

Wednesday December 26, 2012 comments

“Every man should be born again on the first day of January.  Start with a fresh page.  Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January, let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past.”

                                                  Henry Ward Beecher


It’s easy to understand – though less easy sometimes to act on – the idea that we must let go of past failures or disappointments in ourselves or others.  Working with already successful executives has taught me that it is even more challenging to let go of past success. 

My model for executive coaching is Marshall Goldsmith who wrote “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.”  That is, the attitudes, habits and behaviors that have worked for you in the past are probably inadequate to creating an extraordinary future.

As we do a year-end review and set ourselves up for 2013, let’s consider Henry Ward Beecher’s counsel to “take no interest in the things that were and are past.”  A fresh start is highly recommended!

And let me know what you are letting go of and what your compelling vision is for 2013 and beyond!  Just comment below.

With love and respect,