One More Reason Leadership Ain't Easy

By: Robert White Monday July 8, 2013 comments

One More Reason Leadership Ain't Easy

Society does not want individuals who are alert, keen, revolutionary, because such individuals will not fit into the established social pattern and they may break it up. That is why society seeks to hold your mind in its pattern, and why your so-called education encourages you to imitate, to follow, to conform. J. Krishnamurti My friend Melanie Sturm writes a column for the Aspen Times titled Think Again. She encourages people to look at sometimes controversial topics with a fresh perspective, free of any limiting beliefs.... Read More

Extraordinary People Success Tip: Pay Attention to Time

By: Robert White Monday July 1, 2013 comments

Extraordinary People Success Tip: Pay Attention to Time

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. -Henry David Thoreau Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all of our possessions. - John Randolph Its a two for one sale on quotes from Extraordinary People about the value of our time! Some powerful thoughts here about the ticking clocks of our lives. Thoreaus quote speaks powerfully to me. Long-time readers know that Ive spent way too much of my life hanging out in the past or dreaming about the future. That has prevented me from being truly... Read More

Express Yourself! The Power Principles for Extraordinary Success

By: Robert White Friday June 28, 2013 comments

Express Yourself! The Power Principles for Extraordinary Success

Your knowledge, experience and abilities are the contribution and difference only you can make. Recognizing these qualities and expressing yourself through word and deed is a sure-fire way to improve your results in life. Many people have been taught to be silent and passive, to put a lid on it. Our lessons as children often included messages that what we thought or felt didnt matter; and often, those early communications have been transformed into self-limiting beliefs that act to limit us as adults in families and workplaces. ... Read More

Find Yourself or Create Yourself? It's a Choice for Leaders!

By: Robert White Tuesday June 25, 2013 comments

Find Yourself or Create Yourself?   It's a Choice for Leaders!

" Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." George Bernard Shaw Ive been working a lot recently with the concepts around identity how it both serves our purpose, vision and values and how it limits us in those same areas. How it serves our total experience of life and how it limits us. (I write somewhat revealingly about this in the book where Im a contributing author, Ordinary Men, Extraordinary Lives: Defining Moments available by clicking here . )... Read More

Extraordinary People Tip: Live to Serve

By: Robert White Tuesday June 25, 2013 comments

Extraordinary People Tip: Live to Serve

Over many years my approach to powerfully supporting meaningful and lasting personal and leadership growth for executives has been through delivering a two day, high-impact one-on-one experience I call The Quantum Leap. Its purpose, in addition to setting the course for a six month Denver executive coaching engagement, is to assist the client in: Clearing his or her past of blame, shame, regret, guilt and even success Learning how to better tell the truth about current reality Creating a future of his or her own choosing ... Read More

Are You A Giver or A Taker?

Monday June 24, 2013 comments

Are You A Giver or A Taker?

The following is an excerpt from my book, Living an Extraordinary Life, and amplifies a theme I often promote in the public speaker aspect of my career that being a giver pays big dividends personally and professionally. Its especially valuable for current and aspiring leaders or those who want to learn more about team leadership. I hope it is of value to you! Look at the life of the thousands of everyday heroes, the leaders in your community and you know that there are givers in the world, people who in most every situation ask: What can... Read More

Creating Extraordinary Relationships

By: Robert White Thursday June 20, 2013 comments

Creating Extraordinary Relationships

This is a big topic so I'm choosing to focus on a few ideas that have leverage that is, when practiced, the personal and professional benefits from just a few minor shifts in attitude and behavior can be extraordinary. Let's begin with my personal and deeply held belief I've come to hold as an executive coach Extraordinary People, Leadership Training Denver, Executive Coach Denverin Denver that everything we want to do or be in life gets done through communication which takes place in a context of relationships. So developing mastery in... Read More

Vision and Execution for Leadership

By: Robert White Wednesday June 19, 2013 comments

Vision and Execution for Leadership

Vision is not enough; it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps; we must step up the stairs. Vaclav Havel Im a strong proponent of developing and communicating a compelling vision a richly detailed picture of a future state youre willing to stake everything on creating. Execution, taking positive focused action that moves you steadily toward realizing that vision is equally important. I must admit to some jealousy that this non-native... Read More

Extraordinary People: A Very Personal Story

By: Robert White Tuesday June 18, 2013 comments

Extraordinary People: A Very Personal Story

Ten years ago I was living the good life in Aspen and cruising toward retirement because I had concluded that was what I was supposed to be doing. Id experienced a lot of success in over thirty years of entrepreneurial involvement in the corporate training and personal growth seminar industries. Id earned a break from the total commitment required of an entrepreneur and was enjoying the 15,000 sf home on 76 acres outside Aspen; the 80 plus days of skiing yearly; the African safari; the private jet travel; the six non-profit Boards I served... Read More

Leaders: Think Positive or Be Positive?

By: Robert White Wednesday June 12, 2013 comments

Leaders: Think Positive or Be Positive?

Saying that positive thinking doesnt work is such heresy that I may be unceremoniously drummed out of the personal development field. And, it is mostly true. from Living an Extraordinary Life by Robert White For those of you just waiting to see how long it took until I slipped in a not-so-subtle promotion for my book .. heres the answer: not long! Ive been saying the above in my public speaking appearances for many years. Ive found it to be provocative it engages the audience and a good introduction to the... Read More